Saturday, November 28, 2015

[ How to keep your Liver healthy.]


hliver in your body's most hard working organ.It performs 500 functions that keep you alive,not the least of which is taking out the trash.It processes the nutrients in everything you eat and drink,eliminates toxins and never takes a break.


liver is not made of steel,though,and everything you throw at it - binge drinking,endless cups of coffee and cigarettes - all take a tool on it.Some common symptoms of liver disease incluse yellowish eyes and skin,abdominal pain,swelling in the legs and ankles,itchy skin,dark colored urine pale bloody or tar colored stool,chronic fatigue,nausea,loss of appetite and weight a tendency to bruise easily.However,most liver diseases tend to be silent and asymptomatic - your body often shows no symptoms until it's too late.But if detected early and managed properly,liver diseases can be tackled,which is why the key to keeping your in good shape,besides diet and exercises is regular checkups.


your liver the care it deserves at the Vikram Hospital,Bangalore's only clinic dedicated to your liver.Here you can consult with a team of specialists and sign up for the Healthy Liver Package that includes tests like:-

CBC,LFT,HBsAg,USG(abdomen),lipid profile, antiHCV, height weight BMI and gastroenterologists conclusion all for just Rs.2000.

To fix an appointment with the clinic at Vikram Hospital (Bengaluru)Pvt Ltd,71,Millers Road,apposite St Anne's College call 990001 4825 or 7100 4500 or visit
Procedures given are based on the experts understanding of the said field.

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