Wednesday, February 24, 2016

[Eating Guava Can Treat 11 Different Ailments ?]

Guavas are found in the tropics, and invoke images of vacations, summer parties and island life, but this tasty fruit is more than a celebratory food. This fruit is bursting with healthy vitamins and minerals and can be used to treat many serious ailments. You can recognize guavas by their yellow, green or maroon skins and creamy white or pink pulp.
1. Weight loss and gain.
Guava is a winning fruit for its many great benefits. If you’re trying to lose weight, guavas are not a fruit you need to give up. In fact, this snack-sized fruit can satisfy your appetite while adding few calories, low amounts of carbohydrates and no cholesterol to your diet. Also, compared to other fruit,it adds a low dose of sugar. Guavas also offer a great source of vitamins, proteins, roughage, fibre and minerals. For lean people trying to gain weight, this fruit is also beneficial as it promotes the healthy absorption of nutrients and its substantial nutrients regulate one’s metabolism.
2. Blood pressure and Diabetes.
Guavas are hypoglycemic and rich in fibre, which help reduce blood pressure. Dietary fibres maintain the blood’s fluidity and prevent it from thickening, which can worsen blood pressure. Foods lacking in fibre (for example refined flour) increase blood pressure because they convert to sugar more quickly. This can help fight or even prevent diabetes. The fibre regulates the sugar being absorbed by the body and the risk of both high spikes and drops in the body’s insulin and glucose levels is reduced.
3. Diarrhea, dysentery, and gastroenteritis.
The abundant astringent (substances that contract body tissue) make up of raw guava and guava leaves helps loosen the bowels and reduce the symptoms of diarrhea and gastroenteritis. Being highly alkaline, the guavas act as a disinfectant, removing excess mucus from the intestines and inhibiting microbial growth. For these reasons, guavas can also used to treat dysentery. The guavas’ plentiful supply of vitamin C, carotenoids and potassium can also boost your digestive system.
4. Thyroid health.
A good substance for regulating the thyroid’s metabolism is copper, which guavas have plenty of. The thyroid glands regulate important hormones and organ system functions, which helps maintain a healthy balance in your body.
5. Healthy brains.
Also present in guavas are high amounts of vitamins B3 and B6. These both have benefits for the health of your brain. B3, which is also called niacin, is known to help increase blood flow and stimulate cognitive function, while B6 helps preserve normal nerve function.
6. Scurvy.
Guava is your best source for vitamin C. In fact, it has four times the amount of Vitamin C found in oranges, which are regarded as the go-to food for this vitamin. The concentration of vitamin C can prevent scurvy, a disease caused by a deficiency of this vitamin.
7. Constipation.
The seeds of guavas, either ingested whole or chewed, are excellent laxatives. In addition to the fruits' substantial amount of dietary fiber, guavas are advantageous for treating constipation. These two sources cleanse your intestines and excretory system and help your body retain water, helping you achieve healthy bowel movements. Frequently snacking on guavas, then, can be beneficial for proper digestion.
8. Colds and coughs.
Drinking the juice of guavas and fresh guava fruit helps in fighting colds and coughs. The astringent quality can lessen mucus, disinfect the respiratory tract, throat, and lungs and reduce microbial activity. The substantial amounts of iron and vitamin C in guavas also help treat viral infections. It’s advised to avoid eating overly ripe guavas when you have a cold or cough, as they can actually aggravate them.
9. Eyesight.
The considerable quantities of vitamin A in guavas are extremely beneficial for the health of your vision. This helps slow down macular degeneration, the growth of cataracts and can even improve one’s eyesight deterioration once it has begun.
10. Cancer prevention.
Guava is also valuable in your diet as a preventative measure against cancerous growths and metastasis. The high levels of an antioxidant called lycopene has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer and inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. Guava leaf oil is another anti-proliferative extract from the guava plant that has proven effective in reducing cancer growth.
11. Skincare.
Guavas are also fantastic at improving skin texture and keeping your skin looking fresh. Guavas are full of astringents, particularly in fresh fruit and the leaves of the plant. If you rinse your skin with a guava decoction, the fruit can tone and tighten areas of loose skin. Eating the fruit also provides a rich source of vitamins A, B, C, as well as potassium, which are excellent antioxidants and detoxifiers. They can keep your skin glowing, prevent premature aging and wrinkles, and can speed up the healing process of wounds.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016



Relieve Common Aches and Pains by Pressing These Points... If you suffer from certain aches and pains, you may be able to get rid of them using reflexology and acupressure on yourself. By doing so, you’ll do away with waiting for doctor’s appointments or suffering in silence.
If you’re thinking of acupuncture, then you’re right – the two do sound very similar and they actually work on the same principles too. The only difference is that with acupressure, there aren’t any needles to deal with – you apply pressure with your fingers to certain points of your body instead.
On the other hand, reflexology is the use of therapeutic pressure massage on certain areas of our hands and feet. These massages are designed to improve energy flow, relieve pain and optimize our health. Certain areas of our hands and feet correspond to specific areas of our bodies and even specific organs. The theory is that the root cause of pain in specific areas is usually due to a blockage of energy, which is preventing us from being healthy and vibrant.
Here is a list of aches and pains that can be treated using acupressure and reflexology, at home or on the go:
Apply this Pressure for Headaches and Migraines.

Our fingertips (excluding our thumbs), with particular reference to the area at the base of the fingernails, can be massaged to relieve head pain. Do so by focusing on your index fingers, as well as the webbing between the thumbs and your index fingers. The latter is often referred to as the Valley of Harmony.
For Sinus Pressure and Pain.
Turn your palms towards you and apply pressure to the pad of your finger ( the part of your finger you use to type) using the thumb and index finger on your opposite hand. Hold the tip of each finger in turn for 1-3 minutes, lightly massaging when done. This will relieve sinus pain, headaches, dizziness, pressure, stuffy noses and congestion.
For Neck Pain and Tension

Massage the middle part of each of your fingers in turn, and look at your fingers. While you’re doing so, think of your fingertips as your head – working your way down your fingers, therefore, is working your way down your neck and shoulders.  

For an Upset Stomach
Massage the entire length of your thumb, warming it up in the process. Once you’ve done so, apply direct pressure to the center of your palm using your warmed up thumb, holding it in place for a couple of minutes.

For a Cold or Sore Throat

Massage the entire length of your thumb, warming it up in the process. Use the index finger and thumb of your opposite hand to apply pressure to either side of your thumbnail.

For Fatigue

Start off by massaging your whole hand, then apply direct pressure to the point on your middle finger, as shown in the photo.
For Menstrual Cramps or Abdominal Pain

Additional tips
1. Rub your hands together for one minute prior to starting any of these exercises to increase hand energy and sensitivity. Use the index finger and thumb on your opposite hand to gently massage and warm up the area to be worked on.
2. The ever-present tip - “make sure you drink lots of water and stay hydrated” in beauty and health articles - is here too. Proper hydration allows for optimal tissue health and helps your body get rid of toxins. After all, our bodies are almost entirely made up of water.
3. Avoid deep pressure to the web of the hand if you are pregnant.

Content and Image Source: Lifehack

Thursday, February 4, 2016

[ Diabetes - Reasons for Blood Sugar Swings.]

A Bad Cold.
Dehydration can elevate your blood sugar so it is wise to stay well hydrated. If you are sick, diarrhea and vomiting for more than two hours, or illness longer than a few days may alter your blood sugar. Moreover, blood sugar rises as your body tries to fight any type of illness. Medications such as antibiotics and decongestants may alter your blood sugar. Check your blood sugar levels during these intermittent special situations so you can help determine how your body will react to these illnesses and treatments.
Job Stress.
Stress may cause your body to release hormones that can cause rises in your blood sugar. Although this is more common in people with type 2 diabetes, practice relaxation techniques with deep breathing and exercise, if possible, to reduce stress.
Sports Drinks.
Although the main design for sports drinks is to help individuals replenish fluids quickly, many of them contain large amounts of sugar. For moderate workouts of less than an hour, plain water should do to replenish your fluids. For more intense workouts, a sports drink may be appropriate, but people with diabetes should check with their doctor to see which particular sports drinks would be best for them to use.
Dried Fruits.
Although fruit is a healthy choice for most individuals, people with diabetes should be aware dried fruits contain a large amount of carbohydrates in a small serving size. For example, two tablespoons of dried raisins, cranberries, or cherries have the same amount of carbohydrates as a small piece of fresh fruit. Three dried dates contain 15 g of carbohydrates so eating a handful or two of dried fruits may cause high spikes in blood glucose levels in many individuals.
Steroids and Water Pills.
Steroids, commonly used to treat rashes, arthritis, asthma, and other medical conditions, can cause blood sugar levels to rise. Corticosteroids such as prednisone may trigger the development of diabetes in otherwise healthy individuals. Diuretics (water pills) may raise blood sugar levels, while antidepressants may either raise or lower them. If you need to take these medications and have diabetes, carefully monitor your blood glucose levels to see how these medications affect you.
Cold Medicines.
Cold medicines often contain the decongestants pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine; they also may contain sugar and/or alcohol. These components may raise your blood sugar levels. Antihistamines don’t cause a problem with blood sugar levels. If you decide to purchase over-the-counter cold medicines, ask the pharmacist about the possible effects it may have on your blood glucose levels.
Birth Control Pills.
Estrogen in birth control pills can affect the way a person with diabetes may respond to insulin. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) advises women with diabetes to use a birth control pill containing norgestimate and a synthetic estrogen. The ADA also suggests birth control injections and implants are safe for women with diabetes, but suggest they still have some effects on blood sugars levels. If women elect to use these birth control methods, they should monitor their blood sugar levels, especially for several weeks when these agents are first administered. Women with diabetes should discuss their birth control options with their doctor.
Household Chores.
Normal activities such as mowing the lawn or cleaning the house count as moderate physical activity for a person with diabetes (and for other people, too!). This type of activity may help lower the blood sugar in a person with diabetes. People with diabetes should participate in mild to moderate physical activity because the activity may lower blood glucose and increase overall fitness.
Probiotic foods may help people with diabetes by improving digestion. Yogurt, for example, is reported to contain "healthy" bacteria that may help protect against gastrointestinal problems. The best yogurt choice is plain yogurt or "light yogurt" with no added sugar or fruit.
Vegan Diet.
People with diabetes who switched to a vegan diet (no meat or animal products such as dairy or egg consumed) or entirely plant–based diet, according to some researchers, had a much better blood sugar control and required less insulin. Although the mechanism is not entirely clear, whole grains, fiber, and beans may function by slowing down carbohydrate digestion, thereby producing sugars at a lower rate. People with diabetes should check with their doctor before they make any major changes to their diet.
Some studies suggest sprinkling your food with cinnamon may lower blood sugar in individuals with type II diabetes. Study investigators suggest cinnamon can add flavor without adding salt, carbohydrates, or calories. Moreover, cinnamon may improve the body’s ability to use insulin. People with diabetes should discuss use of cinnamon with their health care professional before making any dietary changes.
Regular testing of your blood sugar is important to determine how it fluctuates during a typical 24-hour period. Blood sugar can fall low during sleep for some people with type I diabetes; these people may benefit from a small snack just before bedtime. For other people, blood sugar can rise in the morning even before eating breakfast – this is due in part to changes in hormones or a drop in insulin levels. A good way to determine how your body utilizes glucose is to use a continuous blood glucose monitor on occasion. It can help you determine the blood glucose fluctuations that are normal for you.
Most clinicians agree that physical activity almost always can improve an individual’s health, whether they have diabetes or have normal blood glucose levels. Unfortunately, when people with diabetes do intense or endurance type exercises, their blood sugars may spike up and then drop for as long as 24 hours. People with diabetes should check their blood sugar before, during, and after exercises to be sure their blood sugar levels don’t go too high or too low. Good blood glucose monitoring, coupled with appropriate treatments, can avoid this blood glucose roller coaster effect of highs and lows.
The same roller coaster effect of high and low blood sugar that occurs with exercise can occur when people with diabetes drink alcohol. At first, glucose levels may rise, but then they can fall and remain low as long as 12 hours after drinking. The roller coaster effect can be reduced if the person eats food when drinking alcohol. Alcoholic drinks can also contain a lot of carbohydrates. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) suggests a woman should drink only one alcoholic beverage per day, and two per day for men. One alcoholic drink is equal to 5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer, or 1.5 ounces of liquor (whiskey or vodka).
Being overly hot or sweating makes your blood sugar more difficult to control. Going in and out of air conditioning can have a roller coaster-like effect on your blood glucose levels. Staying in air-conditioned environments during the heat of the day and drinking plenty of water to avoid dehydration is a good way to avoid heat–related problems in controlling your blood sugar. In addition, people with diabetes should know that their medications, the glucose meter, and test strips could be affected by high heat such as the type of heat that can occur in a hot car or on a windowsill in the sun. Keep these items at room temperature.
Female Hormones.
Another roller coaster effect of high and low blood sugar occurs due to hormone changes. Female’s blood glucose levels fluctuate during the menstrual cycle and during menopause. Frequent blood sugar level determinations can help people with diabetes manage this roller coaster effect due to hormonal changes. Your physician may provide hormone replacement therapy, but should discuss with you the risks and benefits of this therapy and how it may interact with your blood sugar levels.
Is Sugar Bad for You?
If you are a chocoholic and/or have a huge sweet tooth and have diabetes, you do not have to give these items up forever. The key is to understand that sugar compounds will increase your blood sugar levels more quickly than other carbohydrates, but the total amount of carbohydrate intake is most important. Consequently, if people with diabetes can keep a serving size small, they can enjoy their favorite foods as long as they take into account that the overall total carbohydrate intake and calories do not exceed their usual dietary levels. This means a small serving of sweets should be offset by eating other foods that contain no "sweets."
What About the Glycemic Index?
The glycemic index (GI) of foods is a rating of how individual foods raise blood sugar. The daily carbohydrate total is one way to manage blood glucose levels. Consequently, eating beans and whole grains that have a lower glycemic index than white bread or pasta can help keep blood sugars lower. So, if you want a small amount of high glycemic index foods (a small piece of pie, for example), it would be better to have the rest of the daily carbohydrate total made from low glycemic index foods. The ADA has glycemic index ratings and offers diet suggestions for people with diabetes.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

[ Health Benefits of Millet.]

  • Beneficial in detoxifying body,
  • Lowers bad cholesterol level.
  • Prevents onset of breast cancer.
  • Helps to prevent type 2 diabetes.
  • Effective in reducing blood pressure.
  • Helps to protect against heart diseases.
  • Aids in treating respiratory conditions such as asthma.
  • Helps to optimize kidney,liver and immune system health.
  • Reduces risk of gastrointestinal conditions like ulcers or colon cancer.
  • Eliminates problems like constipation,excess gas,bloating and cramping.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Nutrients - 1- Carbohydrate   - 27%                                                                                                                   2 - Protein - 26%                                                                                                                             3 - Calories - 18%                                                                                                                           4 - Dietary Fiber - 11%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Vitamins - 1 - Thiamine - 26%                                                                                                                          2 - Niacin - 22%                                                                                                                               3 - Folate - 20%                                                                                                                               4 - Vitamin B6  - 18%                                                                                                                                        Minerals -     1 - Copper -  35%                                                                                                                                                                             2 - Phosphorus -27%                                                                                                                         3 - Magnesium - 26%                                                                                                                       4 - Iron - 16%                                                                                                                      Source -